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Phoenix Farm Front Porch Farm Stand

Our Farm Stand is located at the farm at 385 Delay Dr. Eugene Or 97404 We are next to the Eugene Wholesale Nursery.

Farm Stand is now open on Sundays only 11-6:00

We offer all our Farm Fresh Products, including “beyond Organic” veggies, herbs and fruits, pasture and humanely raised meats, eggs and , and our value added products including, pesto, pickles and more…

Phoenix is now having an EGGSPLOSION of eggs.

Lots of chicken and duck eggs.

Please scroll to the bottom to see information about becoming a

Phoenix Farmily Member

Breeding Stock for Sale

Khatatin Sheep Breeding stock for sale

Khatatin ewe lambs for sale. $200 each. Lamb cuts available (frozen)

Boer X Breeding stock for sale

Boer X doelings for sale 300.00 each. Goat cuts (frozen) available in fall

Pasture Raised Duck Breeding Stock

Pekin Hybrids grow fast 6 lbs dressed in 10 weeks and are also prolific layers of large eggs $25 each

Pasture and Humanely Raised Meats for Sale

Pasture Raised Cornish Cross Chickens

We have pasture raised chickens again this year, we will be taking orders for 5 bird batches. Birds will be ready after June 22. Whole birds, srink wrapped, and processed on farm. Price is $100 per batch with 1/2 due upon order. I will do another batch in the fall.

Taking orders at this time

This season I am currently looking for someone interested in running the Poultry Agripreneurship. Contact if interested in learning how to run a small farm livestock operation.

Pasture Raised GMO fed Cornish Cross
Past Poultry Agripreneurs Amber and Dan, the New American Gothic

Pasture and Humanely Raised Meats for Sale

Goat, Lamb, Duck, Chicken and Rabbit

Pasture Raised Heritage Bronze Turkeys

Sorry no turkeys this year.

Heritage Bronze Turkeys will be ready fresh for Thanksgiving.

I am also hoping to raise Heritage Bronze Turkeys this year, ready fresh for Thanksgiving price to be set at a later date somewhere around $4 lb with Heritage Bronze Turkeys weighing average weight of a tom is 25 lbs and the young turkey hen is 16 lbs,

Sorry not available this year

Become a Phoenix Farmily Member

For $250.00 Phoenix Farmily Members get:

$300.00 worth of credit to spend on Phoenix Farm products.

Get just what you want, when you want

Farmily members also get one free

Saturday Chores with Omi

2 hours of helping feed the animals, collect eggs, and do other fun and seasonal activities.

Farmily members also get first crack at U Pick opportunities.

And are invited to our seasonal Farmily Gatherings

Summer Soltice pick nick and Farmily Competitions

Fall Harvest Fest, apple pressing and more.

Winter Solstice Bon fire and fest

Just send Angela an email at